Saturday, May 22, 2010

Gardening and Nice Weather

So last weekend was so nice. It was 80 degrees and this weekend, well it is COLD... What the hell happened?  Really back to freezing? Maybe not freezing, but really close..

Here is our little gardener.

As you can see Bammer needed to help too, we were also dogsitting him that weekend , and he LOVES to run through the flower beds especially after we planted the flowers....

And everytime I pull out the camera it must turn into a photo shoot. She does her signature pose everytime the camera comes out...

Sunday, May 16, 2010


So we decided to go camping  a few weeks ago. It was alot of fun, still a little to cold , but non the less we had a good time.

Here are the kids doing what all kids do camping right????

And here is what Gina was best at... Who knew??

It was a good time with good friends..

The host of the evening Ryan aka Mountain Man

Thank You Jamie and Ryan for inviting us...