Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Happy 4th of July

We went to Washington this year and it was so much fun. I got to see some of my cousins that I havent seen forever!! and they have little ones now too, so Rylee got to meet a bunch of new cousins. She had so much fun.
Saturday we had a big bbq out to my Uncle Ron's house. He has the best set up. He has a pond filled with fish and frogs. It is so pretty out there. 

Here are some pics of Rylee and her besties, her cousins Rowan and Josie. They had so much fun playing and going on new adventures together.
Here is my mom and her sisters. Penny and Pam did a great job with the food.

The kids also got to ride my cousin Rhonda's horse. They LOVED it ...

My mom's sister also suprised her with a gift for her huge accomplishment this year of being elected Treasurer.. She was so suprised and then glared at me like I knew this and didnt tell, when in fact Patty I was almost the last to know about it..
It was so nice of them to do this for her...

The rest of the weekend was the kids swiming at the hotel, I dont have pics of that because what I thought was a migraine turned out to be a massive headache caused by my cute new headband I thought I had to have.. I learned  the cause of it yesterday when I wore it to work and had the same headache I had on Sunday..

 We did get to go out on Pam and Ron's boat to watch some fireworks, Thank God because they dont sell fireworks anywhere in Kennewick. We went looking for some for the kids, nothing major, just little smoke bombs, those gross little snake things, sparklers, and all we got was confetti works. I mean there isnt a little spot in a dark alley even to go get some..

The weekend was really fun. And much thanks goes out to the family members that made it happen. 

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Fathers Day Justin...

Justin is such a good dad to Rylee. He will play silly shark games, plays ninja, all she really wants to ever do is play with her daddy, and he is always up for goofy lil games, all while I am the boring mom who is always cleaning :).. but back to Justin..

She LOVES her daddy... and daddy loves her..

He teaches her how to fish..

Stands by her when she freaks out with fish....

Makes cupcakes with her.
Tried to teach her how to ride a bike.
He will wear the pink boa just to make his little girl happy.

And she helped him pick up dog poop when he had his broken leg.. that is true love...

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Gonna pick some juicy ones..
Well we went to Donnelly today on a Morel Mushroom hunt. It was super fun, and I forgot my camera of course. But it was about a 6 hour hike up and down the hill looking for the mushrooms.  Rylee had alot of fun and so did Jax.

here are all the ones we got.
It doesn't look like much, but there are about 50 plus mushrooms there.

another view

And Rylee got the big daddy of the day... She could spot those suckers out so good.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Almost unemployed

So today I was given the bad news at work that my hours will be cut down to 20 a week!! Hummm how am I going to survive? I am freaking out. What does this mean?? I truly do not know how I am going to pay bills, car payment, food for my household, daycare....
I am trying to stay positive in this whole thing... good things are to come right?? Things happen for a reason? I just hope we can survive. Without falling behind in bills.
I will stay positive, maybe this will help me focus on my business, help me figure out what I really want to be when I grow up. I just hope Rylee doesn't suffer from this. I want her to be able to do things, dance lessons, swim lessons, vacations.. that is all on hold as of now.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Gardening and Nice Weather

So last weekend was so nice. It was 80 degrees and this weekend, well it is COLD... What the hell happened?  Really back to freezing? Maybe not freezing, but really close..

Here is our little gardener.

As you can see Bammer needed to help too, we were also dogsitting him that weekend , and he LOVES to run through the flower beds especially after we planted the flowers....

And everytime I pull out the camera it must turn into a photo shoot. She does her signature pose everytime the camera comes out...

Sunday, May 16, 2010


So we decided to go camping  a few weeks ago. It was alot of fun, still a little to cold , but non the less we had a good time.

Here are the kids doing what all kids do camping right????

And here is what Gina was best at... Who knew??

It was a good time with good friends..

The host of the evening Ryan aka Mountain Man

Thank You Jamie and Ryan for inviting us...

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

This is all new to me!!!

So this is going to be a new thing for me. I will start with Easter. Grandma came up to visit on Saturday and her and Rylee dyed eggs and had a good time.
Then Justin and I got to go to a party. That was nice,  what wasnt nice is staying out until 2 in the morning and getting up to the Easter Bunny! Damn Bunny! So Sunday was a long day!!!